ASIFA-Hollywood: The International Animated Film Society
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Hy Eisman talks back. The other night I was feeling strange and wrote out a Blog piece on Hy Eisman my old Kubert School teacher. A Popeye fan (Hy is doing the Popeye daily stripes now) let Hy know that his name had been taken in vain. I got an email from said venerable teacher this morning and I pass it on to you.

Hi Larry,
A Popeye fan sent me your note on ASIFA--you still don't get anything right!

I went to the Art Career School at the famous Flatiron Building. And Don Adams was older than me--a year ahead in school. Art Student's League stays in your mind because I thought you'd go there and get out of my class.

I still do a triple take every time I think of you and suffer from everlasting whiplash. Glad to hear that you're suffering with students too. I wonder-- do you remember my saying that "if you ever do anything rotten in your past life, you come back as an art school instructor." Repeat that to your students to keep them on the straight and narrow--and they won't end up like you.

I'm still at Kubert once a week and writing and drawing the Sunday Popeye and The Katzenjammer Kids which can be seen in full, blazing color at

Best regards to your wife who I remember as a wonderful student. (Actually I think of you fondly, yet still breathe a sigh of relief when the new list of students each year is missing one, unique name.)

So Hy, I got your school wrong. I noticed that you accepted the rest of the story as written. Sorry to hear that you were unable to block it out of your memory. Good to hear from you and my daughter wants to be an artist so you may find that name on your list real soon.

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