Playing Well Together the Wave of the Future:Lots of cross over projects. John Woo is directing a video game. Dora is exploring on game systems at a store near your.
No one just makes a movie or a TV show any more. There are tie-ins to every possible revenue source. I`m talking about
Games my friend. Right here in River City and that starts with
G and it rhymes
P and that stands for a Giant payday.
The Gaming industry currently generates more revenue than the Movie industry. These are the facts, maybe not Mr. Well history, but non-the less true.
George Lucas has the right idea. All of his many parts of entertainment are all housed under one roof. Lucas Art is next to ILM and Lucas film. The effects for their games are being rendered on the same render farm that is working on Pirates of the Caribbean 2.
Look for the Lucas Arts Indiana Jones game coming out in summer 2007. Some of the core technology in this game is going to revolutionize film special effects and have great impact on CGI animation. AI my friends. They are taking us one step closer to the holo-deck. It is coming. And it is going to come from the people that know how to play well together.
Speaking of playing well together.
ASIFA Volunteers SouthWednesday, May 17th
Laguna College of Art & Design - Room 12 @ 7 PM
2222 Laguna Canyon Rd
Laguna Beach, CA
There will be an ASIFA Volunteers meeting (South). We have a lot of members in Orange and San Diego counties but everything happens in LA. Some of us Orange people take the time to ride the 5 and some of us just can`t do it.
Guess what? The San Diego Comic Con happens in San Diego. So this is the perfect time to get the ASIFA members of the South (sounds like the War Between the States) together and plan for the event that happens is our backyard. We have lots of projects in the works, here is the chance to come out and be a part of ASIFA without having to spend an hour and a half on the 5 freeway.
Here are some more images from E3:
This is so cool the image is projected on a screen of vapor that people walk through to get to the booth.
Hand held and cel phones are becoming one.
An artist did a killer chalk drawing. The whole process was filmed and shown back in time laps
The Army was out is full force with their free recruiting game. If they get nomination what are they going to drive up to the Annies in, a tank? Anything is possible. I know they would come in uniform.
A big thanks to Ton Hanson, of
Game Crazy, who helped me get the word out to the the gaming companies about ASIFA`s new gaming Annie Award.