Meetings and Meetings:First off, our thoughts go out to Annette O`Neil who had to fly home on an urgent family emergency yesterday. She had a meeting scheduled for Annie Awards volunteers last night at Woodbury University. She sent out an email about 11am that most people did not get so I stepped in and did what I could to cover her part of the meeting. Annette, I have a list of volunteer names for you when you get back on your emotional feet. To all the volunteers that were thrown for a loop by the last minute unavoidable change of plans, Annette will be rescheduling as soon as she gets back. We will keep you posted.
The Stop Mo Expo planning session went very well. We had about 15 working stop motion professionals and 7 or 8 students and volunteers as well as 2 representatives of Woodbury University. Things are shaping up. I will be writing up my notes over the weekend and putting finishing touches on the schedule coming out of this planning session.
Larry Loc (ASIFA Blog Guy)