Weekend Update:Yesterday I took time out from the frantic pace of getting together all the stuff for the Stop Mo Expo to go to Martha Sigall 90th Birthday party. The place was packed with great animators and artists.
Among the luminaries in attendance were Cathy Hill and Mark Kausler. Cathy made my day when she gave me a color Xerox of a painting she did of me. (See below) Here is a link to her web site
http://home.earthlink.net/~c.hillart/ Meanwhile, Mark handed off the 16 MM films for the Stop Mo Film Festival to Jerry Beck, who will be running the projector.
I had a great conversation with the head of ink and paint for
Tron about the infighting between the new kids
Tron staff and the Disney old guard during the making of the groundbreaking film. Great stories.
My ebook is finally finished and will be available at the at the Stop Mo Expo next weekend.
Still have a few time slots open in the Stop Motion Animation Jam at the Expo. Get in touch if you are interested.
larry@agni-animation.com make sure to put
Animation Jam in the Subject Line.
Larry Loc (ASIFA Blog Guy)